Sunday 19th May Space To Share with Andrea Beattie - Free Your Voice

Sunday 19th May

10.30 am - 12.00 pm

Price - Donation Based
HERE for payment link

Free Your Voice

Did you know that YOUR voice is THE most powerful sound healing tool in the world for you? Don't believe me? Then come and find out for yourself.

Many spiritual practises teach about ascension and ways to transcend, or 'rise above' the body and felt emotions. What if I told you, the way to access the divine is actually through the temple of your very own body? Your body is wise and is always striving for balance. When you descend into your body, begin to trust it and allow your voice to express freely and intuitively, you give yourself an internal massage through sound vibration. These vibrations shake your cells and shift stuck, old energy and emotion; allowing energy to flow freely through you for greater vibrancy and zest for life. Your voice carries your unique signature and your body knows what sounds you need to feel for optimal well being.

In this workshop I will take you on a playful, explorative journey of sharing, movement, deep listening to your unique body, singing, sounding and finding your soul song through freeing your voice. 

If you can talk, you can sing - if anyone has ever silenced you or told you you can't sing, then this workshop is definitely for you. Come exactly as you are and know that every part of you is welcome at this workshop. Open to men, women and children aged 8 and over are welcome, as long as they are comfortable meditating.

Benefits of freeing your voice:

-Greater self confidence


-Greater self love

-Improved self expression

-Speaking up for yourself and others

-Clearing your body of stuck energy

-Singing as a prayer

-Communion with divinity 


-Raising your vibration

-Connecting with ancestors

-Allows energy and emotion to flow freely through you

-Becoming a clear channel


I am a teacher, a mother and shamanic practitioner who is passionate about helping people to discover their own self healing power through the simplicity of freeing their voice. I experienced immense healing in connecting with my womb and finding and freeing my own voice. I want to share this gift with others to empower them to self heal through song. I recognise how repressed we have all been by the capitalist society we live in and know that singing together creates unity which is what we need to build a world in which we can all thrive. 


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