Yoga Class Prices

May 2023

The Space to Breathe Collective is committed to making yoga and wellbeing as accessible to as many people as possible.  We feel the Space is more than a yoga studio and offers people the opportunity to experience community and growth from a city centre location and as such is a unique resource for many. 

Our prices have been the same for two years and we have absorbed the costs of developing the cooperative and increasing the number of yoga classes available for people to attend.  This has meant that an amazing number of people have been able to find the Space, get involved, and experience the remarkable atmosphere and benefits.

But our success as a Collective is set in the context of rising and additional costs for example utilities, rent and business rates. 

If we do nothing, Space to Breathe is not sustainable.  And the long term sustainability is the most important thing for the community of which you are part.

With this in mind, and with regret, we have agreed we have to put up the membership fees, class passes and drop-in prices.

We truly hope that you are able to continue to support The Space to Breathe Collective.

What this means in practice is:

Unlimited membership - £60 (this will automatically be your next rebill amount)

10 class pass - £80

5 class pass- £45

1st time users 30 day pass - £35

Drop-in price - £10

Half Price Community Fridays - £5

If you have an old 5 or 10 class pass we have adjusted your class pass to reflect the price changes so no need to do anything here, you will not miss out.

We remain committed to making yoga accessible to as wider range of people as possible and with this in mind Half Price Community Fridays will continue and we have added an additional class at 4.30 pm.

The Space to Breathe Collective is a not-for profit Community Interest Company and relies on the talents and good will of many people who contribute to making the space what it is.  Without everybody’s support and energy we would not be able to function.

Please contact us if you would like to talk to us about this or have any questions or comments at