Membership Application Form
The organisation
Space to Breathe Collective is a wellbeing co-operative that aims to create a community of care through activities which foster collective wellbeing. Our co-operative strives to make yoga, meditation and wellbeing accessible, inclusive and participatory. We are a not-for-profit co-operative, run collectively by our members as we consider auto-gestion and mutualism conducive to wellbeing and community-building.
Participation in decision making
Space to Breathe Collective is run democratically by consensus decision making. Members are expected to actively participate in the monthly Assembly (on the first Sunday of the month at 10.30am).
The member
I agree to:
Contribute to the life of the co-operative with whatever skill(s) I can offer (please see overleaf).
Promote the activities of the co-operative.
Participate in the monthly Assembly and contribute to consensus decision making as and when I am able.
Seek opportunities to make our co-operative more accessible, inclusive and participatory.
Commit to the principles and values of the co-operative.
Participate in the life of the co-operative in accordance with the articles of association and secondary rule
Notify the co-operative of any changes to my contact details within seven days
Notify the co-operative of my wish to cease membership of the co-operative
“… self-management is the decision of a group of individuals or a structure to make decisions about that group or structure by all the members of the group or structure …” (source:
Consensus decision making
“Consensus decision making is a creative and dynamic way of reaching agreement between all members of a group. Instead of simply voting for an item and having the majority of the group get their way, a consensus group is committed to finding solutions that everyone actively supports, or at least can live with”. (source: Seeds for Change. (2016). A Consensus Handbook: Co-operative Decision Making for Activists, Co-ops and Communities. Smashwords Edition).
A form of association based on reciprocity, mutual aid and solidarity. It does not imply that the practice of solidarity is limited to the social figures that decide to associate. Rather, it aims to conquer rights, to claim needs, to bet on the new world that is not yet there.