Tuesdays in February Breathwork with Grace
4th February
11th February
25th February
6.00 pm - 7.30 pm
Tickets £10
It’s the perfect time to come and try breathwork if you’re curious what it can do for you! It will be held at my favourite @space_to_breathe_ in Leicester, and these classes will be focused on shifting any emotional debris and helping to process and release any deep emotions.
This is an intense Breathwork workshop where I will guide you through a specific breathing pattern to a carefully selected playlist of music. The aim is to allow you to connect with your subconscious and release any pent up emotions and trauma which may be affecting your day to day life.
Other positive benefits include:
*Reduces blood pressure
*Improves sleep quality
*Increases energy
*Reduces stress & anxiety
*Increases confidence & self-esteem
*Helps to process emotions
There will be 1 space a week reserved for anyone who is on a low income or a student. Please contact Grace directly on breathingwithgrace@yahoo.com. Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis, and limited to 1 session per person depending on demand. All requests will be handled with compassion and discretion."